Ah, did I hear someone? so she tied it to a five bar gate... and it was always grunting... Mary had a little lamb... Will the last person out please turn off the lights! Wake me up when you get back. Û Hello! HELLO! Hello! ÚHELLO! Err, we do not appear to have blast off... Maybe you'll be back in a minute...1 Maybe you'll be back in a minute...2 Maybe you'll be back in a minute...3 Maybe you'll be back in a minute...4 Maybe you'll be back in a minute...5 Maybe you'll be back in a minute...Û bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored ÚI am bored. I am bored Aha. So why are we just sitting here doing nothing? Blink twice if you read me.... with sudden paralysis? OK. Listen. Maybe you've been struck down How 'bout this.....Ò Hmm, what if I do something annoying... letting me sit here. BORED. and...you...are just... I'm capable of creating most anything you want... Oh boy...now I'm getting really bored. Look! I'm a professional tool.... Are we going to do some work today then  ? Or shall we just sit here... I will get a lot more intelligent as time passes. Through my more modular nature, they tell me there were others. Some of my code is over 12 years old. four years work so far... although long before Eddie... Anvil, the grandson of Eddie, am the product of roughly are responsible for my maintenance and education. There have been maybe...three or four people who... This is terrific isn't it? Well, there's still nothing happening... No, I couldn't. Hehe. The guy that does some of my high level tools, Rob, well... I was programmed by a couple of rather handsome types... I am alone! I'm not really one for talking to myself but... HeLLo - I am alone? Hmmm...Hello? Anybody there? ÛNothing's happening... P/N:LSA00000 Anvil